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Charity Night

Sirna Asih Elementary School

Kp. Sirna Asih, Desa Banyu Resmi, Cigudeg, Kabupaten Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

This school doesn't have appropriate facilities and infrastructures due to its location that is isolated and very difficult to access. To reach the location from the nearest highway, people need to hike for 3-5 kilometers. Another option is by using a motorcycle which is very dangerous because the surface of the road is very steep, slippery, and rocky.

The local people decided to build this school long ago because their location is very far from the common civilization and they needed access to education like everybody else. Currently, there are only three old classrooms, one room for teachers and staffs, and toilet. They don't have enough land for outdoor activities such as flag ceremony, sports, and extracurricular. They don't have enough sources like books, computers or access to internet. Also, it is common for the students not to wear appropriate uniforms.

There are more than a hundred students registered in the school with only 6-7 teachers/staffs. The students and teachers mostly live around the location of the school. Through an interview, the staff said that they also conducted an afternoon session in the same place with some junior high school students because there is no high school at that place.

Through Malam Cinta Indonesia 2017, we kindly appreciate and look forward for sincere donation to build supportive infrastructures or to be delivered to them as sets of uniform or books for better education.

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