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10 Performances Confirmed!

Saman Dance

A traditional dance from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Dancers sit next to each other with knees bend to the ground. The main elements are hand claps and chest claps accompanied by drum and songs from Gayo's dialect. Saman dance will be performed by members of PPI Ibaraki.

Piring Dance

A traditional dance of Minangnese from Solok, West Sumatra. The dancers use plate as the main media. The plates would be swung quickly without letting it loose. The gestures represent the traditional martial arts from Minangnese, Pencak Silat. Piring dance will be presented by PPI Ibaraki.

Boran & Jaranan Dance

Traditional dances from East Java that are combined together. Boran dance tells a story of women who sell Boran rice. While Jaranan dance is a dance for men which use fake horses made by webbing. These dances will be performed by Representative of Tourism Ambassador of East Java, Ikatan Raka Raki (IRARI).

IRARI Star Voice

The Tourism Ambassador of East Java called Ikatan Raka Raki (IRARI) will sing several Indonesia's traditional songs from different places with different local languages.

Uning-uningan & Tortor Siburuk Dance

A trademark dance of Toban Bataknese from North Sumatra that is combined with uning-uningan or traditional music performances. The dance is presented as a media of communication between participants in the traditional ceremony. Uning -ungingan & Tortor Siburuk dance will be performed by the Arts Unit of North Sumatra, Bandung Institute of Technology.

7 ethnics Dance

A combination dance from 5 sub-ethnics of Batak which are Toba, Karo, Mandailing, Simalungun, Pakpak + Melayu, and Nias. Each of them has their own characteristics and purposes. 7 ethnicities dance will be presented by the Arts Unit of North Sumatra, Bandung Institute of Technology.


A traditional Japanese wooden musical instrument with 13 strings. The instrument is played by moving the white parts called bridge. Koto will be performed by invited guests of Merah Putih Kai, Amatsuma Koto Kyoushitsu.


A traditional Japanese stringed music instrument. It is made of wood with square shaped and curved angles. The front and back sides are covered with animal's skin to create firmer sound of the strings. Koto will be played by invited guests of Merah Putih Kai, Samisen Club.

Aoi Sano

A talented singer and songwriter from Japan who gained popularity from Facebook. She has released 2 albums called KARMA and NAMIDA. She actively participated in charity for Nepal and has released a song called "Resham Firiri" to memorialize Nepal earthquake in 2015.

Yosakoi SORAN

A unique dance originated from Japan and is performed by a large number of people in festival and events all over the country. The movement is very energetic which combine the traditional dance and modern music. Yosakoi SORAN will be performed by a dance club called Kirikirimai from the University of Tsukuba.

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PPI Ibaraki | Merah Putih Kai


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PT Pertamina | University of Tsukuba


KBRI Tokyo | Ibaraki International Ambassador

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